50, rue Boissière
75116 Paris
T/ 33 (0)
F/ 33 (0)
Tour Lumina
3 av. Loulou Boilaville
97200 Fort-de-France
T/ + 596 (0)696.08.17.22
50, rue Boissière
75116 Paris
T/ 33 (0)
F/ 33 (0)
Tour Lumina
3 av. Loulou Boilaville
97200 Fort-de-France
T/ + 596 (0)696.08.17.22
Ngo Jung & Partners is a growing firm and regularly recruits trainees and associates. The training, support and promotion of lawyers or future lawyers is a priority within the firm.
If you wish to join us, you can apply directly to our opportunities.